Surface Consumption Rate, SCR

The examples below are NOT to be used to calculate decompression dives.
Do not attempt to calculate the amount of gas needed to perform
decompression dives solely on the Information within this text.
Technical / decompression diving requires proper training.
 Surface Consumption Rate, SCR. SCR is the average utilization of volume of
 gas, air, over time. When you know your SCR, planned depth and time of a
dive, you can get a good idea on the amount of gas you will need to support
the dive.
 Get a calculator, an 80cf aluminum cylinder filled with approx. 3000 psi of
air, a water proof  timer, something waterproof to record your observations
on. Find an area where 33 feet of seawater may be reached. A 35 foot deep
area would work best to help guide you towards staying at 33 feet for
ten minutes.
Once at the 33 foot depth, make note of your cylinders pressure. Begin
swimming at a comfortable pace for 10 minutes while …

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